Statement in Support of the Asian American Pacific Islander Community
We stand in solidarity with the Asian American Pacific Islander community and condemn anti-Asian racism and violence.
A wave of Anti-Asian hate crimes has left communities in grief, fear, and outrage. This violence was thrown into stark relief on March 16 by the brutal murders of eight women in Atlanta, six of whom were of Asian descent. Throughout the nation and within our own community, Asian Americans face verbal and physical attacks with frightening regularity. According to a Pew Research Center survey,1 three in ten Asians report being subject to racist slurs or jokes since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Sadly, these incidents are not isolated. They are part of a much longer history of anti-Asian racism. Houston Endowment board member, Anne Chao, underscores the vital, yet often overlooked, role of Asian Americans in building a vibrant Houston community: “[Asian Americans] have built up our city and given back to their community. They deserve to be celebrated for their roles as patriotic Americans, and yet today they are still considered outsiders and easily become scapegoats when societal tensions erupt.” 2
We remain steadfast in our commitment toward a vibrant, inclusive, and anti-racist community. And we remain committed to our partners and others fighting to eradicate racial injustice. We stand in support of our partners at the Houston Coalition Against Hate (HCAH), a network of community-based organizations, institutions, and leaders who come together to reduce hate and encourage belonging.
Click hereto read the HCAH Member Statement Against Asian Hate.
Houston Endowment Board of Directors & Staff
“Many Black and Asian Americans Say They Have Experienced Discrimination Amid the COVID-19 Outbreak.” Pew Research Center, Washington, D.C. (1 July 2020).
Chao, A. “Asian Americans quietly made Houston History. Now we must be heard.” Houston Chronicle. (28 March 2021).